How We Help You Develop Your System

We have over thirty years of experience developing and delivering bespoke training and mentoring services - all designed to fit with the strategic and operational needs of your organization.

MBSE with SysML

Model-Based Systems Engineering with SysML provides your team with the necessary skills to kickstart any Systems Engineering project.

Requirements with Use Cases

The Engineering Development and Management of Requirements, Operational Concepts, Problem Statements, Project Mission, and Product Positioning.

Object Modeling with UML

Object-Oriented Analysis and Design with Unified Modeling Language, a tried and true combination for success.

Business Modeling with BPMN

Analyze Business Processes and develop Models for optimization and clarity of your Operational Concepts.

Focus on operational concepts and key success scenarios, while understanding how quality attributes guide architectural decisions.
Pongsatorn P. Sukhum


Focusing On What Matters Most

Managing engineering lifecycle artifacts can seem like a daunting task. The correct identification of key activities and artifacts at each stage of development is critical.

A clear understanding of the Operational Concepts will guide the Requirements Engineering process. Functional requirements typically take centre stage. This is what the system does. The visible outcome. The obvious.

Equally important, and often overlooked, non-functional requirements such as usability, reliability, performance, supportability, and regulatory compliance - are the quality attributes that drive the architecture development.

Successful verification and validation results from meeting these often-conflicting set of requirements at each level.

Helmet Fighter Blueprint